Teamviewer login password reset
Teamviewer login password reset

teamviewer login password reset

Also keep an eye out for our well being videos and make sure to watch them! Making a to do list where you can tick off when a task is completed is a good way to stay motivated. Make sure to take regular breaks and try to go outside for walks and get some fresh air. Some tips that can help is sticking to your usual school time table this will give you structure to your day. Q: What to do if you are struggling to work at home?Ī: If you are struggling please make sure to get in contact with a member of staff, this can be via email or speaking to your PLG during their weekly phone call. Q: What do I do if I can’t not access Microsoft streams?Ī: If you are struggling to access Microsoft streams have a look at the following link How to access Microsoft Stream – The Radclyffe School If you are unable to type into the form or select an answer you must make sure you email your teacher and let them know as they may have to send a new link.

teamviewer login password reset teamviewer login password reset

If you are not please follow the advice above to sign into your email. When you click this it will take you to your camera roll where you can select the pictures you want to send.Ī: If you are struggling to access your Microsoft forms please make sure that you are signed into your student email.

teamviewer login password reset

After you have composed your email you need to click on the paperclip icon, this is either located at the top or bottom of the email depending on which devise you are using. When taking a picture of your work please make sure it clear and that it shows all the information you want to your teacher to see. One of the easiest is to sign into your school email account on a phone or tablet. Q: How can I email pictures of my work to teachers?Ī: There are many ways to email pictures of your work to teachers. How to access student email – The Radclyffe School A: If you are struggling to log onto Stachel:One follow the instructions detailed on the following link Accessing Home Learning from Satchel:One.Ī: If you need to reset your password, you will need to complete the following form Student Account Password Reset – The Radclyffe School please be aware this reset will not be instant.Ī: The following guide has been created to give you a step by step guide as to how you can access your school email and send them to your teachers.

Teamviewer login password reset